Join Tom’s Trust and the rest of the nation in The 2.6 Challenge and help us support children with brain tumours.
On Sunday 26th April 2020 – the original date of the postponed 40th London Marathon – The 2.6 Challenge will launch.
Covid-19 has had a devastating impact our fundraising activities, by taking part in this event you will help us raise essential funds and survive this pandemic. The children we support need our help now more than ever, and we need your support so we can continue our vital work.
You don’t need to run a marathon to take part, you just need to pick or design a challenge involving the numbers 2 and 6.
Please support Tom’s Trust with your 2.6 Challenge
Here are some of our ideas to get you started:
2.6 minutes juggling
26 baked cakes
26 times up and down the stairs
2.6 miles jog
26 hour sponsored silence
260 jumping jacks
2600 steps in 26 minutes
Get the family involved, be creative and add your own.
You can find inspiration here.
Once you’ve decided your challenge there are just 3 simple steps:



We hope you’ll join the us in The 2.6 Challenge – we can’t wait to see what you come up with.
For further information and advice, click here.
Team Tom 💙