31 Stars Challenge
Throughout December, Ben Blowes, Guinness World Record Holder and Pride of Britain nominee ran 31 marathons in 31 days for 31 Tom’s Trust Children and Families.
Ben endured all weather conditions, running through snow, freezing fog, driving rain and floods to complete this immense physical and mental challenge. On the penultimate day he used crutches to complete 26.2 miles in over 11 hours because he had a very painful, damaged leg and ankle which required hospital intervention the previous day. Needless to say, Ben was not deterred by pain and injury and finished his 31st consecutive daily marathon – running.
Every day Ben honoured a Tom’s Trust’s child by giving them a shout out that was then posted on our 31 Stars Facebook page. And every day a different Tom’s Trust Child or Family’s story was told, bringing the importance of mental health care and wellbeing to the foreground for those effected by a life altering brain tumour diagnosis.
Through Ben’s sheer grit, strength and determination, he became a superhero to our Tom’s Trust Children and showed that so much can be accomplished even during dark and difficult times.
Ben and our Tom’s Trust Children received an incredible amount of support from local communities, local businesses and all of the 31 Stars corporate daily sponsors, with a special thanks to DMP Services and to Ziath, who were 31 Stars Super Pledgers. Special thanks must also be made to Godolphin who provided safe running ground for Ben on several occasions when adverse weather conditions effected his running routes.
Before setting on his 31 Stars journey, Ben’s target was to raise £31,000 to provide a year of mental healthcare for 31 Tom’s Trust Children. Two weeks post completion, the Challenge has raised an immense £190,000 including Gift Aid – more than six times the original target, meaning many more Tom’s Trust Children and Families can be given the support they so desperately need.
Ben’s incredible 31 Stars achievement has been recognised by Prime Minister, Boris Johnson. At the beginning of January he was awarded the prestigious Point of Light Award for completing 31 marathons in 31 days and raising a tremendous amount for Tom’s Trust.
Tom’s Trust holds Ben’s achievement in great reverence and since completing his awe-inspiring challenge has been invited to become a Tom’s Trust Ambassador.
We are very proud to announce that he has accepted!
Another 31 Days … 3.1. challenge
The day after completing his final marathon Ben challenged supporters to take up the baton and continue fundraising through ‘Another 31 Days’ – to run, walk, cycle or …. hop, 3.1 miles/ kilometres, minutes every day. Since its initiation, over £1,000 has been raised. The figure is continuing to rise daily as people run, donate, and nominate 3 other people to participate in the challenge aimed to encourage adults and children to get outside, get fit and positively focus on their mental health. Find our more here.