
Dr Sarah Verity takes the sibling toolkit global

Posted in: Leadership, News

Over the next couple of days, Paediatric Neuropsychologist – Dr Sarah Verity, who led the development of the Tom’s Trust Sibling Toolkit will present the toolkit at the International Symposium on Paediatric Neuro-Oncology (ISPNO 2024) conference in Philadelphia.

The conference is the largest and most important scientific meeting focused on paediatric central nervous system tumours.  It attracts clinicians and researchers from around the world, from a wide range of disciplines including neuro-oncology, neurosurgery, radiation oncology, neurology, neuropathology, neuroradiology, neuropsychology, neuroscience, rehabilitation medicine, nursing, and more, as well as advocates and supporters of the paediatric neuro-oncology community.

Dr Sarah Verity talks with a family at the sibling toolkit launch

Dr Sarah Verity says: “I am very pleased to be presenting as part of the ‘survivorship’ stream of the conference. This will allow me to share the work that went into the toolkit, and to talk about the scope for providing sibling support where there is not access to psychology services. I expect that, following the conference, we will see an increase in the numbers of people accessing the toolkit from countries outside the UK. It will be exciting to watch these numbers grow over the coming years, and to think about how we might evaluate the benefit of this toolkit.”

This meeting is held every two years to bring together professionals working in childhood brain tumours – to learn about each other’s work, to share ideas, and to generate future cross-country collaborations.

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