
Trusts and foundations

The funding we receive from trusts and foundations enables us to provide vital long-term support to children with brain tumours and their families. It also enables us to explore new projects that develop our programme of best practice mental health for children with brain tumours.

We receive no government funding and rely on the funding we receive from trusts and foundations to continue our work.

We are extremely proud of the ongoing relationships we have with many trusts and foundations across the UK. If you are part of a trust and would like to find out more about our work, we would be delighted to hear from you.

Email our Trusts and Foundations Manager Helen on helen@tomstrust.org.uk or phone 0300 102 8667 for more information.

Thank you to all of the trusts and foundations that have supported us.

Wates Foundation logo
The National Lottery Community Fund
The Evelyn Trust logo
The Barbara Ward Children's Foundation logo
Masonic Charitable Foundation logo
Garfield Weston Foundation logo
Global make some noise charity
Wates Foundation logo
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Information for Trusts and Foundations:

On 1st July 2020 Tom’s Trust changed its legal structure to CIO (Charitable Incorporated Organisation). Our previously registered charity number 1142670 will be closed shortly (there has been some delay due to COVID-19). Our new Charity Number is 1183559.

Most charities who are expanding are changing their status in this respect as it has the benefit that the trustees are no longer liable for the charity’s debts which in turn allows more financial freedom as well as a greater capacity to recruit new trustees.

You can find our new charity on the Charity Commission here

You can find our old charity on the Charity Commission here


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